You can experience two types of hunger during your HCG diet. You can either have physical or emotional hunger. You have to be aware of hunger for you to know the right response. Physical hunger is the hunger that signals your body that you physically need food. Physical hunger will end up in severe cravings if it is prolonged. You have to eat healthy snacks such as fruits or eat your meal. Emotional hunger as well as the reaction of your body because of your emotions. This is more likely more on responding to your emotional cravings.

Emotional hunger has a severe effect on your weight loss. This is a product of your emotions that causes you to eat unhealthy foods. This is very dangerous especially if you are doing a very low-calorie diet. Emotional hunger may overpower you especially if you don’t know how to handle it. Emotional hunger is hunger where the feeling of hunger pain is not in your stomach. The feeling of hunger pain during emotional hunger is usually in your head or chest.

The very low-calorie diet is the part where you cut down your intake of calories into 500 each day. You are only allowed to do the VLCD along with HCG. This is because the HCG will deal with hunger and cravings. VLCD is also the time where you will shift to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. You also have to change your habits to promote your weight loss process.

The diet hormones will target resetting your metabolism. It sets your brain to boost metabolism and use fats as the source of energy. The source of energy during the HCG diet is taken from the burned fats instead of getting energy from the foods you eat. This is why eating only 500 calories per day is safe as long as you are having the diet hormones in your system.

The VLCD is effective to hundreds of HCG dieter that helps you reach your weight loss goal. It is for your body to transition without causing harm to your body. It is also a safe diet because it is supervised by diet experts and it is from natural products. This is not just for weight loss but also in dealing with weight-related diseases.

What do you need to know about emotional hunger on your HCG diet?

  • Emotional hunger is powerful and it comes instantly

Emotional hunger suddenly occurs and allows you to eat urgently. This is the kind of hunger that will not stop until you indulge in unhealthy foods. The feeling or urge to eat is one common sign where there is emotional hunger in your system. Emotional demands instant satisfaction and may win or overpower you.

  • Emotional hunger is when you want specific comfort foods

Emotional hunger is when you crave for junk foods, pizza, chocolate, cake, cookies, and other unhealthy foods. The common foods that are loaded with calories may stop you from losing weight. Emotional hunger will not stop if you eat healthy food choices. This is because your body wants a specific food to indulge.

  • It often leads to mindless eating

It will lead you to eat too much without even knowing that you overdo it. It will take off your focus on eating because you are enjoying it. Mindless eating makes you often unsatisfied even if you are already full. Mindless eating is not about wanting more foods without even thinking of the food portion. This is also the time that you will always feel hunger pain that will not get out of the bed. You will think of the taste or texture of the food you crave.

What is the cause of emotional hunger?

This is caused by constant stress and pressure. Constant stress will push you to find comfort in eating. You can get over this by dealing with stress. Stress is solved by having time to relax or sleep. The high level of stress will trigger your emotions. There are also cases that emotional hunger is caused by unhealthy food indulgences such as sweet foods.

What are the things you can do to deal with hunger during the HCG diet?

  • Drink water- Thirst is sometimes mistaken as hunger. If you feel hungry you have to drink water and wait for 20 minutes. This is because water will keep your stomach full. The emotional hunger pains usually last for 20 minutes. Water will also help in staving off the food toxins that trigger hunger.
  • Choose the healthy food choices- These are the common choices on your food list. Healthy food choices are fresh products such as fruits and vegetables. Healthy food choices will supply all the nutrient needs of your body even after the HCG diet. The fresh and organic products are more nutritious than the usual food that you indulge.
  • Load more on protein- This is usually from lean meat choices. The lean meats are rich in vitamins, and properties that promote fullness. It can also deal with hunger and cravings. Protein will keep you full longer and maintains bone and muscle health.
  • Prepare yourself fully to succeed in the diet- The success of your HCG diet also depends on how much you dedicate your time to it. This is the moment where you will prepare yourself fully. Being fully prepared will help you focus on your weight loss and keep off from slipping. Part of your preparation is having a realistic weight loss goal. The weight loss goal will be your driving force and will serve as your motivation to do more on your weight loss process.
  • Stop the intake of unhealthy foods – Do not eat processed foods such as sausages, hotdog, flavored drinks, pizza, and fatty meat. Unhealthy foods are loaded with various chemicals and other industrial ingredients that will stop you from losing weight. It can also trigger diseases that will affect your health. Start loading healthy food choices as soon as you step into the first phase of the HCG diet. Introduce healthy foods such as whole fruits, fiber-rich vegetables, and lean meats.  
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