Things You Need to Know About Emotional Hunger on the HCG Diet

Hunger may occur as physical and emotional. Listen to the signal of your body to determine the type of Hunger you experience to prevent overeating. Physical Hunger is the Actual Hunger that tells your body to eat. Emotional Hunger is the type of Hunger that allows you to eat to alleviate your stress and emotional struggles. Avoid eating foods due to emotions and high stress because it leads to weight gain.

Will you experience Hunger while using HCG injections?

The HCG can suppress your appetite and keep your calorie intake low. It curbs Hunger and maintains your energy throughout the VLCD. But, it does not mean that you are free from Hunger for a lengthier period. Hunger can occur when you skip meals or eat unhealthy foods. It stimulates your appetite and leads to overeating during the next meal. To avoid Hunger, ensure that you eat proper meal sizes and administer your HCG shots.

What do you need to know about emotional Hunger on your HCG diet?

  • Emotional Hunger is when you want specific comfort foods.

It usually makes you crave junk foods, pizzas, chocolates, cakes, etc. These are the common foods that have loads of calories and may sabotage your diet. Emotional makes other kinds of food unsatisfying even though you overload calories. You will get satisfaction when you get the specific taste and appeal of the food that you crave. Emotional Hunger seeks comfort on unhealthy foods.

  • Emotional Hunger is powerful and, it comes instantly.

You might get sudden Hunger and push you to eat urgently. The urge to eat is one sign of emotional Hunger. It demands instant satisfaction. You have to control and win over emotional Hunger to avoid emotional eating. You can shift your attention to other activities than thinking about foods. Drink a glass of water and go for a walk. Keep out from food sources to prevent food temptations.

  • It often leads to mindless eating.

It will allow you to eat lots of foods and without being aware that you are overdoing it. Emotional eating will swipe off your focus on foods because you are enjoying them. It will often make you unsatisfied even if you are already full. You keep on wanting more and leads to eating a lot without being aware of the portion of calories.

  • Emotional Hunger is when you feel a hunger pain.

It will make your stomach growl and, this even won’t get out of your head. You keep on thinking about the taste, smell, and texture of the specific food. It will cause hunger pain if it is prolonged.

  • Stress can stimulate emotional Hunger.

You have to stay away from constant pressure and stress. It is because it will cause you to find comfort in eating. Stress can be solved by having time to relax or sleep. Determine the root cause of the Hunger so that it will not come back. Practice mindfulness when eating by following the protocol of the HCG diet. Load on healthy food choices to avoid Hunger on the HCG diet.

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